Product(s) :

Software: ExceLINX-1A, ExceLINX for PicoAmmeters/Electrometers

Integra Series: 2700, 2701, 2750

Low-Current/High-Resistance Meters: 6485, 6487, 6514


Question : While installing ExceLINX or the IVI driver for my instrument product, the installation appears to hang while displaying the dialog “Copying VISA Runtime”. What should I do to get installation to proceed?

Answer: Check the following items to make sure that you are installing the software properly:

(1) ExceLINX or the IVI driver must be installed on the boot drive (normally C:) of your computer. NI-VISA Runtime requires that the install directory be on the boot drive of the operating system.

(2) If operating in Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 or Windows NT, the person that is logged in while installing the software must have administrator rights.

(3) There must be enough hard disk space on the machine so that compressed files may be extracted. As an overestimation, check to see that 30MB are available.

If you have verified all of the above items, then run the NI-VISA runtime separately, before installing the ExceLINX software. If you are installing from a CD, “Open” the CD (browse with file explorer) and locate the “VISA Runtime.exe” file in the “X:\ke2700\KeithleyIOlayer” directory where “X” is the letter that corresponds to the CD drive. If you are installing from a web site download, look into the directory into which the download was extracted. Open the “ke2700” folder and then the “KeithleyIOlayer” folder and run the “VISA Runtime.exe” file.

Should you continue encountering difficulty installing the software, please contact Keithley applications support at 440-498-3960 or toll-free 888-534-8453 (US) or your local Keithley office.



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